Born Again Podcast
2-Minute Questionnaire
Please fill out this short from to help us shape the future of the podcast. I greatly appreciate your brutally honest answers!
-Clay & Abbi Carlson
Overall Enjoyment: How much did you enjoy the content in the episode you listened to?
Loved it!
Liked it
It was okay
Wasn't for me
Episode Length: How did you feel about the length of the episode?
Just right
Too short
Too long
Sound Quality: How would you rate the sound quality of the episode?
Volume Levels: Were the volume levels comfortable and consistent?
Yes, just right
No, too loud
No, too soft
Engagement: Did the episode keep your attention?
Yes, throughout
Only at times
Not really
Content Feedback: Were there any topics or questions you wish had been covered in the episode?
Cover Art Rating: How would you rate our podcast's cover art in terms of its visual appeal and how effectively it conveys the theme of "Born Again"?
Choose One
5 - Excellent (Captivating and perfectly represents the theme)
4 - Very Good (Appealing and represents the theme well)
3 - Good (Adequate but could be better)
2 - Fair (Lacks appeal or does not represent the theme well)
1 - Poor (Unappealing and does not convey the theme)
Would you be interested in sharing your story as a guest on our podcast?
No, thanks
Dream Guests: Who are one or two people whose testimonies you would love to hear on our podcast?
Future Episodes: How likely are you to listen to future episodes of Born Again?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
It's not for me
Additional Comments: Any other comments or suggestions you'd like to share with us?
Last Question! Would you like us to notify you when the next episode is released?
Yes, please
Not right now
No, thanks
First Name
Last Name
Thank you for your valuable feedback!